Helping others is never a solitary act.

Meet the Team


Pastor Mark Finfrock

Phone: 513-896-LOVE (5683)

My passion for ministry began about 25 years ago starting with a program called Thanksgiving Baskets. The concept was simple. Each family at Park Avenue United Methodist Church would buy Thanksgiving dinner for a family of equal size they did not know. Working with St. Raphael’s in Hamilton, each family would receive the first name of the head of house hold and the number of adults and children within that household. The local community mission work took hold and did not let go. Recently I joined First United Methodist as a member when it became clear to me that the heart for mission at First was aligned with the call for mission that God had put on my heart.

I graduated from Xavier University in 1998 with a Bachelor in Liberal Arts degree concentrating in Communication and Organizational Leadership, followed by a Master’s in Education in Human Resource Development from the same school in 2006.  I have taught all four years of the Disciple Bible study courses as well as Jesus in the Gospels, and Christian Believer. I continue to study and teach various bible and book studies today.

During my years at Hamilton Park Avenue I served as Chair of Administrative Council, SPRC, Missions, Finance and Outreach.

I am a Lay Servant of the United Methodist Church and teach the Preaching course for that ministerial designation. In the coming year I will be taking the courses to become a Local Licensed Pastor of the United Methodist Church.  During that year I will be serving First UMC as a supply pastor.

Each spring I teach Presentational Speaking and Organizational Communication to non-traditional students in the Weekend Degree program at Xavier.  I have taught at Xavier for 16 years.

Recently, my human resources work at LifeSpan, Inc has broadened my understanding of the needs of our community, and how best to serve them.

I am looking forward to serving alongside First Church in worship and pursuit of the mission of Jesus.



Church Administrative Assistant

Phone:  513-896-LOVE (5683)




Music Director

Phone: 513-896-LOVE (5683)





Phone: 513-896-LOVE (5683)



1820 Building

This building burned to the ground.

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1840 Building

While it was being built a storm came through and knocked down one of the new walls.


1893 Building

The right building was built in 1893. It burned one night in 1924 destroying all its contents except a grand piano which is still in use in the sanctuary today.


Current Building

The current building was finished in 1926 and is still in use today. It will not burn down, thanks to its creators.



To know Christ and make Him known through worship and mission with our congregation and neighbors.


Hamilton First United Methodist Church: a growing extended family sharing Christ's love in our community and the world.


Love God, Love Others, and Change Lives