Join us IN-PERSON or via Facebook LIVE every SUNDAY!

In-person Sunday worship begins at 10:00 a.m. (one service only). We will continue to live-stream worship via our Facebook page to reach both those who are unable to attend and those who do not feel comfortable yet gathering with others. If you have an urgent concern, please contact Pastor Mark directly or e-mail the church as e-mails are checked daily. Should you need any assistance or have a prayer concern, e-mail or call the church. We will get back to you as soon as possible.




During worship services on March 16, a special collection of pocket change will be taken as an offering for the Saturday Community Lunch Program.

If you have an interest in doing food prep prior to the lunch or helping pass out meals on Saturday, please contact the church office. Volunteers are always needed and appreciated!

Community Lunch

Every Saturday, a free community lunch is served to any guest who comes. Guests are welcome to have lunch together from 11:00 - 12:30.  

Guests are welcome to as many servings as they wish. Also, guests may get carry out meals to take with them.  

The Community Lunch is supported by our partner churches: First Baptist, Zion Lutheran, the Islamic Center, Princeton Pike Church of God, Lindenwald Community, Ross Community, and Eaton Road Church of God. Many community restaurants and stores also support the meal with donations of products.

Volunteers are always welcome.


Remember one of the most important things you can always be a part of at First is to pray for our congregation.

Free Community Lunch every Saturday

Contact LESLIE HICKS OR CONNIE BAUMAN VIA the church e-mail -

You can also donate to this project by sending a check to the church at:

225 Ludlow St. Hamilton, OH 45011

Updates or repairs on the building

If you like to build, do repairs or to paint, just contact the office and we will be glad to put you on our "Honey Do" list.

Saturday Community Lunch Workers from First

Saturday Community Lunch Workers from First

Saturday Community Lunch

Christmas 2023 at First

200th Anniversary Service

200th Anniversary Service

Saturday Lunch Workers from PP Church of God

Saturday Lunch Workers from PP Church of God

Thanksgiving at First 2023


When are your services on Sundays?

We have one service at 10:00 in our sanctuary. We ask that you enter the sanctuary from the front entrance off of Ludlow or if you are unable to do steps, use the canopy entrance off the parking lot.

  • The 10:00 am service is a more traditional style and is held in our beautiful sanctuary with stained glass windows and pew seating.  The music is sung from hymnals with accompaniment on our pipe organ or grand piano.  Our Chancel Choir sings choral music and our bell choir plays special music on occasions.

What should I wear?

  • The heart of a person is so much more important than the outside!  You will see everything from jeans and t-shirts to business casual to suits with ties or "church" dresses at our service.

What door should we use to enter?

  • Enter at the side door under the canopy in the middle of the parking lot (which is also handicapped accessible) or you can enter the front double doors off of Ludlow.

Where can we park?

  • There is a parking lot beside the building on the corner of 2nd Street and Ludlow St.  It is best to enter the lot from 2nd Street.

When is Holy Communion & who may take it?

  • Generally, Holy Communion is served on the first Sunday of the month.

  • The table of Holy Communion is Christ's table, not the table of The United Methodist Church or the local congregation. The table is open to anyone who seeks to respond to Christ's love and to lead a new life of peace and love.

First United Methodist

225 Ludlow Street
Hamilton, OH 45011

(513) 896-5683

Sunday Services

10:00 a.m. Worship Service
Live Stream 10:00 a.m. via Facebook



Contact Us

Reach out if you have any questions, concerns, or need help.