UMW Is now “united women in faith”

The United Methodist Women has followed a rich tradition.  Looking back to our roots in serving the needs of women, infants and children, UMW is now surging ahead as United Women in Faith!  What an incredible and ongoing journey!  This is how our 150+ year legacy began:

 "In 1869, Clementina Butler and Lois Parker, wives of missionaries to India, made a plea to a group of eight women in Boston about the spiritual and physical needs of poor women in India. They could not be treated by male doctors. Schooling for girls was almost non-existent. Help was desperately needed. In what would become a lasting legacy of “showing up and getting things done,” the attendees were moved to action. They quickly called another meeting of more women. They wrote a constitution. And in short order, they organized the Methodist Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society (WFMS)."

25 different organization designations later and 800,000 members to date, we remain United Women in Faith, seeking ways to meet the growing needs of an unjust and distressed world--so often just outside the doors of 225 Ludlow St. Hamilton, OH. 


Ruth Circle

March 4 - 2:00 p.m.

Fellowship Hall

NAOMI Circle

March 20 - 6:30 p.m.

Carolyn Mason’s

5525 Mesa Verde Court